Over many years I worked as a key consultant and resource author for a leading ed-tech company, helping them envisage, plan and create a large set of complementary resources to provide to schools and colleges in addition to their main ed-tech product.

Over 3 years, more than 30 different resources were planned, developed and published, all aligned to the UK curriculum and qualification specifications (Primary, Secondary and Post-16). Resources were wide ranging and included:

  • Self-directed learning activities and guides
  • Long-form assessments and mock papers
  • Shorter assessments for teachers to use in class
  • Intervention programmes for delivery by support staff
  • Resources focused on problem solving and reasoning
  • Resources for learners to use at home
  • CPD content and training for staff
  • Challenges and resources aimed at developing true numerical and reading fluency

All resources were very well received and widely used in UK schools and colleges.

I took this project from the initial idea through to the published series, including authoring the majority of content and managing other contributors, designers and additional professionals.

This series of 6 books largely contains teacher CPD content, distilling academic research and best practice into easy-to-understand and implementable strategies. Each book in the series also contains ideas, activities and projects for teachers and tutors to lead in their classrooms.

In addition to the printed materials, I also developed a training package and series of videos to help teachers embed their learning into practice.

The series has generated over £1million in revenue for the publisher and is very well received by its intended audience both in the UK and internationally.

I worked with Cambridge Assessment to re-develop their international maths curriculum, focusing on stage 3 and functional skills (post-16).

I was involved with the curriculum development journey, together with producing exemplification. Example activities were also created for each curriculum statement to help provide examples of how each curriculum statement could be taught and assessed.

I was approached by a leading publisher to ghostwrite a range of non-fiction workbooks aimed at children, young people and their parents/carers.

I was involved with idea development and was the sole author of this work, which is now available in retail across the UK and Europe. During this project, I also provided detailed breifs for designers and illustrators and was involved in quality assurance reviews at each stage of the publishing cycle.

In this project, I worked with Global Education on a complimentary series of teacher guides, pupil textbooks and pupil workbooks. These books were mapped to the Cambridge International Curriculum.

As well as leading the authorship of the content for Stage 6 maths (UK Y6, US G5) I also worked to fill gaps in maths and science content from Stage 1-6.

In this project, I worked with Scholastic to develop and author a complimentary child-facing workbook and teacher CPD guide.

I worked to ensure that both elements of the project would work equally well together as they would stand alone, which supported the publisher's aim of selling the student-facing workbook in trade both in the UK and internationally.

The child-facing workbook is available in UK and international bookshops and it, along with the teacher CPD guide, has been very well received.

In this project, I worked with Nagwa to create a wide range of online assessments for maths and science, written for US common core K-8, plus post-16 functional skills.
The assessments were written directly into a proprietary content management system and included artwork mock-ups and briefs. The assessments consisted of a range of MCQ and free-response questions.

I also worked to ensure each question was internationalized, mapping each question against a range of different curriculmns and ensuring units, spelling, terminology and cultural sensitivities were considered.

I worked with a UK government department to create exemplification and training for teachers and moderators to help them accurately assess writing.

Supported by a team of experts, I created multiple sets of exemplification materials, which were also used to help assess and quality assure moderators. I also created detailed commentaries explaining the rationale for the grade given to each portfolio of work and how the different assessment statements were/were not met.

In addition, I created detailed training for delivery to moderators, which addressed key issues from the previous year's assessment cycle. I then oversaw the delivery of this training accorss the UK.

I acted as the executive author and project manager of a series of teacher CPD guides for teachers of UK Years 1-6 (US K-5) in this project.

This series was developed as a follow-on series of books for the best-selling 'Problem Solving and Reasoning series (for which I was the sole author). Each book in this series contained teacher CPD content along with ideas and resources for teachers to use in their teaching.

I worked with the publisher to develop the concept for this series and created the project brief, style guide, artwork guide and timeline. I then worked to manage a team of authors to produce the first draft manuscripts before reviewing these. I then worked with editors, illustrators and designers to manage the full publishing process.

This project was delivered on time, and the series is well received by the intended audience.

hello [at] tim-handley.co.uk